Sunday, September 28, 2003

Hi Francoise. I agree with you - I'm not totally against small towns - I like visiting them, but I wouldn't want to live in one any more. At least not at this stage in my life, although maybe I'll change when I'm older! By the way, it seems you and I are the only ones using this blog at the moment. Hello! Is there anyone else out there?

Friday, September 26, 2003

Hi Graham!
You are right! But I had no idea that North Shields could be so small! Of course that Barcelona would be better! I know some small towns in Brazil, like Caldas and Pocinhos. Both are so little that everybody know everybody and all the things that happens on the town, everyone knows.
You thought that what you were saying was about a hundred thousand inhabitants!
So Barcelona is much better, but sometimes it's good to know small town, like North Shields or Caldas. Just for knowing, not for living. Or, if it was a city it would be better.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Hi Francoise

You ask about North Shields and the difference with Barcelona. Well, to start with, North Shields isn't a city, it's a small town. and it's not that it's not exciting, more that it's very dull and very unattractive. I prefer Barcelona because of many things, but one of them is its vibrancy. There are always new things to do and to see and the city is very cosmopolitan. In a small regional town, you meet the same people all the time and nothing ever seems to change. I like the idea of change and of movement in the place where I live, and (even if I don't take advantage of it most of the time), the idea that I can choose between hundreds of films at the cinema or 20-30 live music acts to see any day of the week, and there are always places I haven't been to to visit. In a small town, it's difficult to find this. However, it's just my personal opinion - other people prefer small towns to big cities.
Hello Graham!
I think I'll read in a couple years The Great Gatsby! Even if it isn't obligatory to read it. I really want to read it. I love reading! And this book really interests me. So I'll wait that my English gets better.
But what are the things that you think that makes Barcelona better than North Shields? I don't know... I don't know North Shields, even Barcelona. But I think that I would prefer North Shields because you say that the city is less exciting and I prefer cities less exciting. Anyway both cities seem to be great!
I'd like to meet. Europe is beautiful anywhere!
So, now I have to work!

My period of training

Hello people from Bee Online! How are you?
Right now, I'm passing throw my period of training on my uncle's company. I'm doing a website of his company. I'm learning a lot, but now I see how difficult it is to make a web page. But it's cool! Has anyone ever learnt about XHTML? Or CSS or even ASPX? It's too difficult!
Anyway it's good to loose some days of classes, even if, after this week, I begun prefer the school, that is so better!
I hope this finishes well!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Hi Francoise!

I read the Great Gatsby some time ago, but I remember enjoying the story. It's considered one of the best American novels of all time, and a great read, but perhaps you're right - a little difficult to read in original version. I love living in Barcelona - it's much better than North Shields. There's no comparison - Barcelona is far more interesting / exciting!

Bee Online

Bee Online
Hello everyone!
I am just popping in to say "Howdy!" I have had the sniffles, runny nose, and sore throat since Sunday, so I am not feeling up to my usual self. I have had to teach yesterday and today, so I am pooped. Time for a nap. I hope this goes away soon.

I see you have been joined by some students from Naples. This will be exciting for me since my grandmother was from Naples and my grandfather was from Bari. I love Italy and have been there a number of times, but I have never been to either of theses cities.

Chow for now!

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Hello Graham!
About The Great Gatsby, until the oral, I hadn't understood very well about it. But when the teacher explained to me , I saw that it's a very interesting history.
I'm interested in reading the book, but my sister, who is two years older and is studying about it, told me that The Great Gatsby is very difficult to read. That's not for my level. And she told me that I should read it in a couple of years. I haven't taken a look at the book yet. But who knows - I'll be able to read it!
Have you read it yet?
Do you like living in Barcelona? What do you prefer? Barcelona or North Shields?
I have to go now. Bye!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Hi Francoise!

You had your oral exam on 'The Great Gatsby'? Wow! I'm impressed. Did you like the novel? You ask about me - I'm from a little fishing town called North Shields, in the north-east of England, although I've been living in Barcelona, Spain now for over nine years! And, guess what? I'm an English teacher (I was invited here by Bee)
Hi Lina!

Thanks for the movie recommendations - I have seen 'Central do Brasil'! It's a wonderful film, but very sad. And I saw 'Cidade de Deus' too (and loved it) - it deserved to win the Oscar! I'll try to see the others if I can...

Saturday, September 20, 2003


Hello! Here I am... again!
Since I have a lot of time because of the vacations, I'm writing here.
Today I saw three great movies. They were Door to Door; Just Married and Life in Seven Days. I won't say the name of the actors because I don't remember anything.
Door to Door is a drama. It's the history that happens on the 70's about a retarded man name Peter that needed a job. He tried an interview to be a salesman. Nobody thinks that it's a good idea, but he keeps trying and he gets the job. First it's a crash, but with the time he finally achieves a sale. For years he continues being a salesman, with a big success. But since he has problems, the doctor says that he couldn't continue doing his job, that he would need the help from someone. That's when he meets "I think it's Sara" and together they work. He wins an award for being the best salesman of the year, but he's too old and he quits the job.
I won't tell the end. it is worth it. It's a very beautiful movie!
Just Married I think everyone knows. So I don't need to tell the history.
And the last movie, the one that I saw first, today morning, was Life in Seven Days. A movie with Angelina Jolie that happens in Seattle. In the movie, she's a reporter that cares only for her body, to be always beautiful and rich. And she was going to be promoted in her job. The only thing that she has to do is a great report, but with a cameraman that she hates a lot. In the first report, there's a problem. In the second, she's going to interview a beggar that believes that he's prophet of God and is able to anticipate all the things that are going to happen. Before interviewing the beggar or the "prophet" she says that she doesn't believe on those things but anyway she asked what was going to happen to her. He said that she was going to die in a week and she wouldn't be promoted. She got surprised but she didn't believe. And in the interview he said that on the other day, it would rain granite and an earthquake in San Francisco would happen at 9:06 six morning of the other day. When it begun raining granite, she started believing it, and when she saw on the news about the earthquake. So she started living better the last week alive that she has. I won't tell more. I think I already said too much.
So, that's it!
Hi Graham! Hehe, I love that part too (well, I love the whole movie, I have already watched it at least 12 times!), but my favourite one is when Christian, played by Ewan McGregor sings a new version of Your Song, from Elton John, to Satine, played by the fantastic Nicole Kidman. His voice and his way of singing are fabulous! I love him ! I know that song by heart! Well, I know almost all the songs by heart, because I bought the soundtrack of the movie and I am always listening to it! It's my favourite album!! Talking about Brazilian movies, some ones I can recommend you are "a Partilha", that it is some kind of comedy with drama. It talks about the life of four sisters who live in Rio and who are discussing whether to sell their old apartement where they used to live. Another one is "Central do Brasil" which has already been recommended for the Oscar, but unfortunaly did not win. It is about a friendship of a lady and a kid. She is trying to get him back home. It is a very good movie, during which I cried a lot (well, I cry in all movies, in Moulin Rouge I cried all the times I've watched, and sometimes I started to cry even before the movie started) and which shows the real life of people who didn't have the chance to have a good life but who are trying to have it. There are two movies that I haven't watched yet : Carandiru and Cidade de Deus. They both talk about violence, and I 've read some very good reviews about both! The last one I 've mentioned was indicated for an Oscar too, but again, Brazil didn't win... Well, that's all for now!
Bye bye and see you later!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Hello Graham! How are you?
Well, the subject that I had to speak about in my oral exam was about the Great Gatsby. I think that's a little bit difficult. But now it's over.
Now that we are meeting each other a little bit better, I'd like to know, where are you from, what do you do? Because so many persons have posted that I can't find anything about you!
Thank you!
Have a nice week-end!
Hello .... how are you guys??
I don't know why but some of my posts (written on 19 th of September) are on the page of 16 th September...boh!!
Anyway today there's a VERY HOT sun in Naples... but unfortunately hot season is ended..from now only school and cold dresses...

Se you soon

Hi Lina! also talking about movies, have you seen any Brazilian movies that you can recommend? I saw Moulin Rouge too, and loved it. My favourite scene is when Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor are singing together on the roof and they sing lyrics from different songs to prove their point about love. Fabulous!
Congratulations Françoise! what was the subject you had to speak about in your oral exam?

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Hello everybody
It is a long time since I have posted my last message. However I want to say two things one is that music brings smiles on faces but there is a limit, sometimes people who you live with don t like it. Like my mom, who is always complaining when I am listening to music in my bedroom.

The other things I wanted to say is a hello, for Claudia from Italy, well Claudia hi I am Leonardo I live in Sao Paulo Brazil and I am in the same class as Caroline. Like she said here is a very good place to live we have all we need and if we want to go to the beach it is not so far. However I imagine that Italy is a beautiful country but if you saw our city you will change your mind. By the way what do Italians do in their free time? Answer me bye.
HI everyone !!!!!
I agree with Felipe that music is made to bring smiles on faces, but it can bring deafness too like my Brother who can not sleep without Hard core (Harder than heavy metal) Music. It´s sad because when you ask him for water he gives you butter lol. And Leonardo will not manage to change my mind to make me like coldplay .There is music that I am fond of like Temple of Love, but I do not remember the name of the band. This music is very long and its al ittle bit of heavy metal with some gotic.
Hello Graham! How are you?
Thank you very much for the compliments.
I think that, when we are talking in public and you're afraid, we see only our defect. Most of the time, the people don't even see it!
Yesterday I passed the oral in English. First, I didn't want to go but then I began not to care what the people might be thinking and I during it, I even forgot that someone was there, looking at me. That made me calmer and my accent wasn't so bad (like normally).
The only problem was that I was sure that much of what I said did not fit my subject. It was just a little bit, I hope. But I finally have passed it!
Hello Claudia! How are you?
My name is Françoise, I'm 16 and I'm a student of Barbara Dieu too.
I hope we'll be able to go to Italy and meet you next year. And I hope you'll be able to visit us too . I hope (we hope) that this project works!
It would be great to visit Italy. It's such a beautiful country! Paula, who went there once , told me that it's totally different. And that the people are very warm. I hope so!
Well, Europe is very beautiful. When I went to France once, I visited castles, we climbed mountains and we saw different places.
Europe is great! =)
Hello! How are you?
I don't imagine myself living out of Brazil either. I can live out of São Paulo, but not out of Brazil. I don't know... the place where we are born is like... forever!
But I intend to make an exchange before I go to university and maybe study at a university in France. But just for a few years.
My family lives here, my friends. It's a new experience and I think it could be fun, but I don't think it would go on living there forever!
I love Brazil!
I couldn't leave this country!
Parents always complain about the volume of my stereo.... That makes me sad, because when I increase its volume, it is just to bring some happiness around the house. Music makes people party, it is music that brings a smile upon the children's faces.... (That was very

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Hi Graham!!
Sorry I haven't been writing, and I didn't answer you! Talking about Chris, I don't agree with Carol. I don't think that Chris is unsual because of fame. In my opinion, his way of behaving has always been like that, and I don't really think that he has changed after being famous. I have already seen some famous people. Most of the times I was in a restaurant, but once, when I was 7 I think, I went to Rio de Janeiro, and I realized that I was staying at the same hotel that the football player Romario. I took the same elevator with him but I didn't see him! But after , I asked for an autograph .. hehe... I agree with you and with Caroline when you say that famous people have problems some times to do normal things, because the press and the reporters never leave them, they are always "haunting" them. Sometimes they have to disguise themselves to go to the movies, or to a restaurant....

Talking about movies, my favourite ones are suspense and comedy films... If I had to pick one of the most perfect days of my life it would be a Saturday evening, in winter, in my living-room with some popcorn and hot chocolate, watching a good comedy and/or suspense movie..... The perfect dream! A movie that I really liked and I consider as my favourite one is Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman, if I could describe it in only one world, it would be fabulous, just fabulous, I really recommend it ; )

Well,that's all for now! See you later!! Bye
Lina =)

Hi Claudia!
How are you? My name's Lina and I am 15. I live in São Paulo too, and I must say that, like Caroline, I can't imagine myself living anywhere else than São Paulo! ; ) But Naples must be just great! I have never been there, but I wish I will one day! Italy must be wonderful, I have already seen many pictures from there, but it isn't the same as being there and seeing the real image! Tell me about more about you! your favourite kind of music, or..., I don't , anything you want! ; )
Well that's all for now!
Bye bye and see you soon
Hello Claudia!
So , I was sure that you were going to describe Naples as being a wonderful city!lol.. just in the same way as I will describe São Paulo... I love São Paulo and I think that I couldn't live anywhere else! Here we don't have the sea near us . To see the sea you must go to Santos, which isn't far from here but you may do like , I don't know.. one hour by car?! I don't remember exactly! Here , we go shopping , bowling , watching a movie , playing paintball... A lot of things that you can do in a BIG city! I completly agree with you that words don't describe a place . Only seeing to understand exactly!
And , how old are you?? I see that you have an excellent English! =)
So , have you ever travelled outside Naples? Where have you been ?? What places have you visited?
Hope you'll answer me!... See you soon..
Hi Andre! I sympathise with your parents! I'm sure they'd prefer it if you'd turn the volume down a little. am I right?
Hey Graham, Andrés here. I just wanted to thank you for answering my message and I have this disc "Better than Raw" from Helloween: it was a gift from my brother for my 14th birthday... I really like it, it is one of my favorites. Well, I believe when you say that your ears can’t take it, I can understand because my father’s ears can’t take it either, neither my mum’s, neither any of my relatives just my older brother(hehehe imagine living in a house where nobody likes the kind of music you hear. It is awful, but nothing I can’t handle...:-) Well , see you later.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Ah.. I forgot asking! How's life in Italy?!
see you soon I hope!
Hello Claudia...
I'm Caroline and I'm 15 years old... I live in São Paulo , Brazil! Our teacher told us that she would invite students from Italy to join us in this blog! That's great and I also enjoyed the idea! Hope we'll get to know each other...
see you!
Hello, I don't know why, but the blog put one of my posts down on 16th o f September!! however I think that s.Paulo has to be really good...above all because it's very different from Italian cities.What part of Italy was visited by paula?

For Carloline
Hello!! I love travelling!! but I didn't lots of long trips! let's see...I often go to Venezia(Venice)..(you know?) because some of my relatives live there, but also To Firenze (Florence) for the same reason... with school i went lots of years ago in The southern part of France, visiting Nice, Cannes and Monaco...
And You ? Do you like travelling?.

For Lina
Ehy.. I love's in my blood....I play guitar..and i LOVE , but REALLY LOVE red hot chili peppers......I've all their cd... they drive me crazy!!also nirvana, offspring, blur, systen of a down are very good for me...but no group plays like RHCP!! I always listen to Ben Harper, because his sound is similiar to bob Marley's one...But there are also some Italian groups and singers good...I could write an infinite post about music, but i stop me here for the moment..and you what do you listen ?

For Françoise
hello!! also our teacher MrS Mariapia Mauro spoke us about this We stayed for two hours dreaming about it!! I never was in your country, but when I see on books, or tv something about Brazil I always think to rio de Janeiro.... S.Paulo is similar to it??Have you ever been there?

For Leonardo
When you will come in Naples you will see totally a different way to live... I think that also your city is very bautiful...and BIG ..Naples more or less guests 1,500,000 people but S.Paulo..more and more!!'s so interesting to see different places!!
Hello Everybody!!
I'm very happy to see your posts!! In few days lots of my friend of my class will arrive here.. and so we'll warm this blog with our neapolitan temper! Today in my city there is a big feast, party, because today is....San gennaro feast!!
you have to know that on 19th of September in Naples everybody celebrates S.Gennaro's day!! He was during I century a.d. a bishop killed by Romans (because he was Christian). His body was buried after long trips in our city. A day when in naples an important king of Spain came ,the solid blood of S.Gennaro , kept in a a part of the Cathedral, became again liquid like water...A miracle!! Since that time Gennaro does this miracle ..Today in fact his blood had become liquid again.... you can imagine this is a leggen, but believe me, it's everything true...!! for me this is one of signes that over this material world there's something more...
So, today no school only party party party !! everybody shouts sings...on the streets near to the Cathedral you can see all kinds of stalls...great!

if you give me your adresse I can send you some post-cards!!

Hello Everybody!!
I'm very happy to see your posts!! In few days lots of my friend of my class will arrive here.. and so we'll warm this blog with our neapolitan temper! Today in my city there is a big feast, party, because today is....San gennaro feast!!
you have to know that on 19th of September in Naples everybody celebrate S.Gennaro's day!! He was during I century a.d. a bishop killed by Romans (because he was Christian). His body was buried after long trips in our city. A day when arrived in naples an important king of Spain the solid blood of S.Gennaro , kept in a a part of the Cathedral, became again liquid like water...A miracle!! Since that time Gennaro does this miracle ..Today in fact his blood had become liquid again.... you can imagine this is a leggen, but believe, it's everything true...!! for me this is one of signes that over this material world there's something more...
So, today no school only party party party !! everybody shouts sings...on the streets near to the Cathedral you can see all kinds of stalls...great!

if you give me your adresse I can send you some post-cards!!

nice to read your post, caroline!! In Italy things are not so bad. I've to say that I live in a wonderful city...yes, naples is really beautiful.. I don't know if you have ever seen a card of my city...I've to send you one... It's on the coast, the sea is not so clean but in some parts is really good. By the sea you can look at a volcano , the vesuvio.That's the peculiarity of seabord the presence of sea and mountains.. There are many monuments and castles...but I can't describe my city with words because to understand a place you've to see it! Don't you think so?? and S.Paulo? How is it??
Byez ----Clà----
hello guys !! I'm an Italian girl, of Naples!!My English teacher spoke in one of her lesson about this blog.... it's really good...for this reason I want to join the group!! so, answer me !!
ByEz bYeZ -----cLà-----

Monday, September 15, 2003

Hello Ryan ,
Thanks for the meaning of the word tither... I understand exactly what you wanted to say because anywhere it is like this . Like , in Brazil , the subtitles doesn't say exactly what the actors said and there are some jocks that can only be understanded in English or that only make sens in English , so it isn't nice . An exemple (bad exemple) is the movie American Pie . The English expressions were to bad translated so that makes no sens to us brazilians . So , it is very difficult to see an English comedy film understanding everything they say! But I do my possible and I understand almost everything they say in English so that's great! =)

Hello Graham ,
I completly agree with you about the famous people . I never heard about this film but I'll search it . It is a comedy?! It seems to be more a sad movie or , I don't know , a suspens... But I'll look for it !

Teacher , I think we must create a new subject because it starts to be too repetitive .
See you everybody!
Hi Caroline. I think that famous people are more worried about the day-to-day problems, but I'm sure that it must get scary for some of them, especially as there seems to be more stalkers about (do you know what they are?) and other people that are envious and might want (as you say) to harm them in some way.

Actually, there's a great modern Spanish film about the problems of fame (It's called 'Obra Maestra' and the director is David Trueba) - a famous actress gets kidnapped by a wannabe director and his friend and they force her to star in their low budget film. It's a comedy, and worth seeing if you get the chance.
Caroline, tither means to be stressed or very anxious over something. Just so you know, I looked it up on my online dictionary too. It was not there. My regular old dictionary had the word though.

I saw Bruce Almighty last night. It was quite funny. I like Jim Carrey a lot. One thing that I notice is that the Hungarian do not always laugh at all of the jokes that my friend and I do. I wondered about this until I went to the movies with a Hungarian friend who speaks English. He told me that the Hungarian subtitles are not always what it being said by the actors. Also, I realized that some of the jokes are culture specific (do you understand this phrase?) that they would not be understood by the Hungarians who are reading the subtitles.


Sunday, September 14, 2003

Hello Graham... I'm glad you answered me!

I agree with all you said about famous people and , by the way , I forgot to say that certainly they're not different from us but their money make them be popular and make them hide theirselves because of the violence , the kidnappings , etc .

About the film "The Ring" , I don't know much about it and I'm sorry . The only thing I know is that it is very scaring! But that's good because I LOVE scary movies , of course, when you have someone to catch are to protect you when you are scared! lol...

Teacher , I loved your idea because now we already know everybody that writes here so it will be interesting to know different people!

That's it... have to go!
Hello there!

I'm back from the countryside where I spent a miserable weekend. It was not only rainy and cold but on top of this I had umpteen papers and tests to correct. :-(

I do not know if you guys and gals noticed but there's a whole bunch of Neapolitan (from Naples, Italy) students who are dying to interact with you. Have you seen their postings on the left hand side in the Message Box?

I thought it would be a good idea to invite them to join us. What do you think?
Hi Caroline!

I haven't seen the film you mention (The Ring), but I know that there are already 2 versions - the first one was made in Japanese, and then there is a hollywood remake. I heard it was really scary too. Do you like Horror films? I do, but only if I don't have to watch them when I'm on my own! (lol)

I agree with you about famous people -of course they're no different from anyone else really, but the way people treat them must make their lives difficult some times. the famous person I taught had to cover herself completely and spent half of her day trying to avoid the press. In the end, she got so sick of the publicity and having reporters and photographers follow her ion Barcelona that she moved back to her family home.
Hello Françoise! I think it's a question of practice - the more you speak in public, the easier it gets. I used to think that everyone was looking at me, analysing the way I was speaking, and that made me nervous. But after a while, you realise, that people aren't doing that, and that they are really just listening to you and paying attention because they're interested in what you have to say, which is nice. I'm glad to hear that you are getting better with public speaking, and let me say that I am impressed with your English here!



Sing in Latin!



Hi Andrés! I'm glad you liked the Helloween gig. I used to like heavy metal when I was your age, but now my ears can't take it! I prefer more quieter music (lol) - I love going to see live music, though - it's a great experience, and I'm looking forward to Barcelona's Mercé festival at the end of September, because there are lots of bands coming and most of them play for free in the squares of the city.

Hey Graham, what's up Andrés here... sorry to take this long to write again. So yesterday I went to the Helloween concert it is a heavy metal group I think Leonardo mention already because I told him they sing a song in Latin , well it was really awesome I really enjoy it, have you ever went to a concert ??? It was my first experience with a group that I have known the lyrics and the music they played, but went to a concert in the USA to see Eric Clapton, not that I don’t like him but this time I had a lot more fun !!! I think that should cover it so see you later!

Friday, September 12, 2003

Hello Graham!
My name is Françoise. I read about what Lina said about talking in public. Like she said, it's very difficult to speak in public.
I always had this difficulty, specially when we have to do it in another language. When the teachers call me to do an oral for example, i stum (to stummer) a lot! My accent becomes horrible! That's one thing that happens only when I talk in public, but when I talk to only one person, I speak very well!
But I'm learning how to talk in public. When I was about five, I used to do not speak to anyone (it isn't even in public!) and now I'm learning how to speak better with persons.
It's a big step to me!
So, I have to go now!
Nice to meet you!
Ai teacher do you know why I don't write here?
I never understand what's happening and it needs to be very pacient to read everything that the students say.
So I can't write here!
Hey guys!
So , I'll answer all the questions that were posted here by all of you .
Ryan , I don't know what the word "tither" means . I searched on the internet and in the dictionary I have at home but I couldn't find it .Can you explain it to me the meaning of this word?
Graham , the movie that Leonardo is talking about is "The Ring" . I haven't seen it yet but everybody says that it is very scarring.
Yes , I know Alejandro Sanz but , certainly , it isn't my favourite singer . Here he isn't very popular but I think that everybody has already listenned to it once .
Answering to Graham's question , I have already met famous persons but I think you don't know them because they are brazilian actors . Once I went to praia do forte , Bahia , that is in north of Brazil , and at the same hotel I was some famous persons were spending their holiday too . It was very funny because we imagine them in a way but when you see them in front of you they're quite different . Television changes a lot the persons!
In my opinion , Chris Martin is an unusual person because of fame . Then he started to be famous and now everybody knows him . And because he is married , as Lina said , to Gwyneth Paltrow that is a big actor and very famous in Hollywood movies .
Well , I think that's it...see you!
Hi Lina!

I agree about speaking in public, but (speaking as a teacher who has to speak in public quite a lot!) it gets a lot better with practice, and the stage fright disappears with time. Just as well, eh? Do you think that Chris Martin is an unusual person because of fame? Or another reason?

By-the-way, have you, or anyone else ever met a famous person? (I have actually taught a famous person, but you'll have to guess who it is is you want to know - I'll give you 20 yes/no questions!)
Hi Caroline!

Manà are popular here too. I know they are from South America, but I don't know which country (Could it be Columbia?). Now, of course, Alejandro Sanz is the flavour of the month again, as he's just released a new CD and it has zoomed to the top of the charts over here. Do you know of him?

By-the-way, I'm impressed with the English here too, and I think your idea of an visit to Cambridge is a great idea - I think everybody who can should go abroad and experience different cultures as much as they can. And, you're right about everything closing early (even the discos!)
Hi Leonardo!

I didn't see the Grammy performance you talk about, but the part you describe does sound funny. I don't know about latin, but I do know of a singer-songwriter (Chris Judge smith) who wrote an entire opera in Esperanto! (Do you know what that is?) Now that would be interesting to hear!

I think the film you mention is called 'Phonebooth' in English. Is it the film where a sniper pins down a man in a phone booth in New York. If it is, then I agree with you - I was gripped to my seat all of the time. Incredible!
Bee Online
Hello everyone!!

I hope I will remember the questions you asked and will answer them all here. Respect for teachers is very dependent on the location of the school and the grade level. When I taught elementary school in Philadelphia, I felt respected by my students (3rd through 5th grades), but I did not feel respected by their parents. The parents thought that everything their children needed to learn about life should be taught by the teacher. Teachers feel that parents are also responsible for teaching their children respect, morals, and values of society. Teachers cannot do it alone.

When I taught in college in CA, I had mostly great students that respected me as a person and as a teacher. However, as we say in English, there are always "a few bad apples" who would talk on their mobile phones during class, not pay attention, talk disrespectfully to me and others, and the list goes on. For the most part, I had good experiences. I do know teachers in elementary and upper grades where their schools have to have security guards at all times to patrol the hallways. I used to watch Boston Public and E.R. since I am a teacher and also have a medical background. Both are good shows, but both are Hollywood. The shows are interesting, but not really close to reality.

This is the end of the first week of the university. I teach 4 different semesters of American Studies, one Advanced Grammar course for masters level students, and one Research class for doctoral students. I had this brilliant idea of setting up a Yahoo group for each of my classes this summer. I spent over 50 hours scanning all of their readings into the group's files, put all of their syllabi, reading lists, anything and every thing they could need for the semester. In the bookmarks, I put dozens of references to academic writing and other reference materials. Their groups are as loaded as a spoiled child's Christmas tree. I want them completely ready to be techno-ready for the E.U. when they join in May of 2004. I even found a huge Internet cafe where they can, as students, get membership for $4.00 a year and have unlimited access to the Internet and e-mail for that year. They can also print up to 5 sheets for free.

What I did not anticipate is that of the 60 of them, 59 had no idea how to get a Yahoo ID. I have spent hours with them in my office on a computer that is almost as old as I am, setting them up with a Yahoo account and then putting them into the group. I made each one sign in blood, okay fake blood, they they would call or e-mail me if they had problems. Calling a teacher at home is not in their culture, so I have had 75 e-mails from students today, in a tither over problems accessing the group. Do you know the word "tither"?

The good thing is that I will have all of them for next semester too, so once we are over these humps, life will get easier. Until then....

On top of this, I have had a roaring mouth infection from what I thought was the root canal I had done last week. My mouth looked like I was harboring a baseball in my right cheek. The good news is that is it getting better on its own. The bad news is that the dentist thinks I have really bad genes with my teeth. Years of brushing and flossing are not paying off at all for me, but do it anyway!!. It was not the root canal tooth, but the one next to it.

We also have many soap operas in the U.S. Some have been on the air almost as long as "Coronation Street". The shows "Dallas", "Knots Landing" and "Dynasty" were also considered soap operas by many. These were a bit different from the daytime ones and many people who swore they would never watch a soap opera were hooked on the night time soaps.

If I don't respond as quickly as most of you do, I have not forgotten you. It is just a lack of time.

Greetings from Hungary,


Thursday, September 11, 2003

Hey graham I were talking with Lina about the performance of coldplay in the Grammy and I have to say that I saw the part that he is on the piano, but for me that part were very funny because if you saw the tape again you will see that at one moment he became crazy and his head go up and down on the piano, hehehe it is very funny.

Oh and Diego. Not all songs of coldplay are sad the point is that the style of that band is a slow rock that all.

By the way my friend Andres have said that a band called Halloween sing some songs in Latin, hehehe can you imagine hard rock in Latin it must be very interesting.

One last thing, yesterday I have seen a movie called "O chamado" that means the call and I has very afraid with the movie, it is so exiting. Have anybody here seen this movie?

Well cya guys.
Hello everybody!!

So , I see that you are until now talking about bands and I would like to express my opinion about it . I like Coldplay too and I have already heard about Manu Chao . One band that I love is Maná . The lyrics are in spanish but I don't know where they are from (Spain , Argentina). My favourite song is "como quiciera" (I'm listenning to it now!) and "sola" . We heard it in spanish class and it was very great! My friend Maeva has already been in Spain and her cousine lives there so she can talk a little bit to us what she thinks about it and how was her trip! And she went to Maná's show that happened here in São Paulo at the beggining of the year.

Talking about respect in English schools and universities , I remembered a film that talks about this (I think) .It is the story of a teacher that was disrespected when he arrived at the school by the students but at the end everybody loved him! It is an old movie called "To sir with love". It is a very famous movie and they have done a song for it that is called "To sir with love" too. It is a very emotive (is this the right term to use here?) movie and very interesting too. I recommend you!

I was reading the posts and I saw that Graham or Ryan (I don't remember who was it) said that our English is very good! I'm glad reading this because I thougnt it was horrible! Thank you very much...

Ryan , I saw that you have been in many different countries. That must be wonderful! I never went to England but next year , me and Katherina are organizing to do an interchange (I don't know if this is the better world to use) during the month of july at Cambridge . Everybody do it and they say it is really great except for the hours (everything closes to early even the discos)! But I'm sure I'll love it because it is a new experience : live alone , meet new people and new civilisations (because many people of different countries goes there) , practice my english... well , a lot of reasons!
Ahh... I forgot presenting myself . My name is Caroline and as Katherina and all the others writters of bee online (except Graham and Bee) I'm in 2nde1 what means 10th grade I think . The bee online was our teacher's idea and frankly , I loved it! I'm sure you won't feel like "out of the conversations" if we start talking , asking and answering to each other .

Finally , Lou , Jordy is (or was because now he certainly is older so he isn't anymore a baby) a french little boy that singed "C'est dur dur d'être bêbe"... And teacher , as Felipe I want to call you bee too , ok?!

I think that's all I have to say today but I hope being permitted to write here more times and being answer...
Hello everyone !!!!!!!!!

My name is Diego I’m in the same class than everyone in here . I like a bit of everything classic music to punk but i do not appreciate cold play very much because is to sad i prefer quick and happy music’s. About sports I like Surf, Thaibox and a little bit of soccer principally when Brazil or Belgium plays. I will be writing every Thursday but during the holidays I may forget.
Hello Graham!! Yep, I can imagine! It must be really awfull! I can't even talk in front of 15 people, I can't imagine thousands! hehe... Gwyneth and Chris have been dating for a long time, and I heard, I don't know when and where, that they are going to get married... Something I wanted to say about Chris Martin is that he is considered not a freak, but an unusual person. And you can see it when you watch him at his performances. His ways to behave are very unsual, but I like him a lot! Oh I forgot to tell you, that I have already seen him performing at Grammys, at the beginning of the year. He sang Clocks, and he played the piano, with a lot of enthusiasm.... It was a chance in a lifetime! Well that' s all, see you later!
Bye bye
Hi Maeva! Now I understand. But I don't think you were rude - you were just frustrated that you couldn't find my posting, right? It was about the Camino de Santiago, wasn't it? Have you found it yet?
Hi Lina! I didn't know his girlfriend was Gwyneth Paltrow! I remember listening to an interview with him some time ago, when the first 'Parachutes' was a success, and he sounded very down to earth - I think the group's success took him by surprise. You could see that too when they first played live - I saw a TV recording of them playing 'Yellow' and they were very nervous. I'm not surprised- Can you imagine standing on stage in front of so many people? It must be terrifying!
Hi Leonardo!

I'm glad you liked the Red Herring maze too. About Radiohead - When coldplay first started out, they were compared to this English group, but Radiohead now sounds very different to Coldplay. You know Manu Chao! I like him a lot. Most of the time he lives in Barcelona! I think he owns a bar in the city. I think he was born in Pris, France, but both of his parents are from Galicia, in the north-west of Spain. That's why, I think, you'll find him singing in French, spanish, Galician and English in his songs (very multicultural!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Hey Graham,
hi sorry but I forgot to write before and I saw that you like coldplay too like Lina, well I love them I have both cds the best songs for me are “politik”, “a rush of blood into the head” and “God put a smile upon your face”.

By the way I have played your game Red Herring mystery maze and it is very cool I have played twice, I love it.

However I am sorry about Farruca when you lost the coldplay show. And I don t know this bands that you told me called Radiohead. Well but I want to know if you know a band called Manu Chao I think he is from Spain right? However I like some of their music what about you?

Hello Graham! Yeah, that was exactly what I wanted to say! But I couldn't find the right words! I want to see their show next time they come to Brazil, but like you said, it is going to take a while, because they've been here recently... Right now, I am listenning one of my favourite songs, Yellow. And yesterday I was watching tv, for a change, and I saw an interview with Chris Martin, with his girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow. I think they make a good couple. Well, that's all for now. Bye bye ; )
Hey teacher!
Well, I consider that disrespecting a teacher is like, talking in class with other students, talking to the teachers as if they were your friends and even complaining without raising the hand... Do you agree??
I think that forms of respect and disrespect are different in different countries, we can see that disrespect in France is not the same as here in Brazil..
And Ryan?!?! Is he gone??
He just wrote once... or twice...?!?!
Have to go...

I asked you for an example of disrespect towards a teacher you had seen in the movies because I would like to know what you consider to respect or disrespect a teacher.

Are forms of respect and disrespect different in different countries?

Are they different towards different people?

You should read the posts more carefully. I have already told you in one of them where to find Graham's message. Go to: and scroll down the page to Sunday August 31st. Graham's message to you is the second one :-)
Hiiiii Graham,
''grossa'' means rude in Portuguese. I used the word in Portuguese because the moment I was writing I didn't know the translation.
Hi Lina! So, you like Coldplay too? I like the lyrics too (perhaps you meant deeply felt?) The next time they come to Barcelona, I'll go and see them, although they were here recently, so it might be a while before they're back. We shall see.

Hi Maeva! I'm still speaking to you if you're speaking to me. By the way, what does "grossa" mean?

Hi Paul and Lou! I'm glad you liked the Red Herring maze. When I was younger, I used to love those 'Choose your own adventure' books, which were similar, but you had to manually turn the page to find the next part of the story. It's so much easier on the web!

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Hy Ryan! Gee, it must be so nice travelling around the world, you have already been in so many countries! That must be very excithing! That 's too bad, that you have never been in Brazil, you really should! You would have lot of fun, and it would be one more country in your list! hehe. And I would like to comment something about Katherina's question, I think that teachers in USA are respected, and I agree with Lou when she says that they are more friendly with students. I have never been in an American School, but I love TV and American tv shows, like Friends and etc... And I watch one called "Boston Public" which talks about this kind of subject, the relation with the teacher and the student. It's a nice show, I recommended! =O)

Hy Graham, I was reading the messages, and I read one that you said that you like Cold Play! I love it too! Their songs are the best, and the lyrics are so deeply singed... Do we say like that? Oh well..... My favourite ones are Yellow and Trouble. You know, they made recently a show here in São Paulo,! last Wesdnesday) but unfortunaly I couldn't go!! I wish I could, I love them!!!!!!!Well that's all for now! see ya!
Hey people...I'm back because I want to apologize to graham because the last time that I entered beeonline I was a little bit "grossa" when I didn't see the answer to my comment...But it's because I haven't yet seen it...and I want to find it but I don't know where it is... so teacher if you can tell me and teach where is the thank you and sorry again...see you later
Hello teacher!
Well, all those American movies which show teenagers at universities are like this... I don't really have an example in mind... But.. I think you all see what I'm saying.. Ahh teacher, look at my personal blog, I had an idea about it, and I really liked it... =D... Hope you will like it too..
And do you think here in Brazil teachers are more respected than in the French education or the other way round??
See you all

Monday, September 08, 2003

Hi Kathu!
Do you refer to your question about teachers not being respected at the university in the USA? It's going to be difficult for me to answer as I have never taught at a university nor in the USA.

Why don't you give us some examples of what you have seen in the movies that made you ask this question?
And you Bee?!
As a teacher, what do you have to say about my last question??
See y'all
Hi Graham,
I liked the Red Herring maze and I played it 5 times. It was great!!

Hi Ryan,
I see you traveled alot !! I just love traveling!
I have a friend from Hungary, Budapest. His name is Jurjen.
Maybe he is in your school!
I am originally from the U.S. too and I used to live in N.Y.
What subjects do you teach? Or courses? I don't know how to say it.
... I have no more ideas see you all soon!
Hi! thanks for the "soap opera" word....Well, my favourite ones are Brazilian, obviously, so I don't think you know them....Anyway, I actually don't watch them anymore, I used to but now, I have too much work...hehe...But I enjoy Friends ( I don't know if it's considered a soap opera...). Well, I wanted to answer to Katherina's question, about the American teachers...

As I studied in an American school, I can say that the teachers are respected but their way of teaching is different....I'll say they are friendlier with the students than the French teachers...

And Graham, I played your detective game, it's funny but I didn't have luck....hehe...
Well, that's all then!

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Hi... It's Caroline!! I'm sorry I'm writting here just now.. but I didn't have time before.. so.. I'm very interested as kathu to know your answer Ryan.... I sww you're new here!! WELCOME!! hehehehe... I read all the posts so now I'm following the subject... that's it!
see you guys...
Hello Ryan!
Well, I have a question for you. In American movies, we see that teachers at universities in the U.S. (specially in California) are not very respected. You said you taught there, do you agree with this? Or do you think that is a general idea? Or just a movie?
Thanks for answering.
Hiya Lou!

Thanks for recommending the bands - I'll check them out. The word you're looking for is 'soap opera' I think. This is a series about the same people that goes on and on and on...They are popular in Spain and in the UK
too. There is a British soap opera called 'Coronation Street' that has been going on for 30 years or so! What is your favourite soap opera?
Leonardo, I like Coldplay too, and my favourite song of theirs is Politik! I wanted to go and see play live them the first time they came to Barcelona, but our cat (Farruca) had just had an operation, and we didn't want to leave her alone. So I missed them! I also like a group called Radiohead. do you know them? If you like this kind of music, you might also like a Scottish band called Travis.
Katherina - I think that a lot of young people in Spain are also great fans of the Internet. There are lots of Internet cafés everywhere and it's become more and more popular to have a connection at home too. I think the Internet can be a great way for people to communicate with each other. For example, without it, I would never have met all of you. For me, it makes it easier to get to know other people and cultures, and also to keep in touch with friends and family who live in other countries. what do other people think about this?
Mystery Maze:

Hello everyone! Those of you who enjoy mystery/detective stories might like to take a look at the Red Herring mystery maze on my site. As well as a detective story, it's also designed to help you learn phrasal verbs. Hope you enjoy it!

Bee Online
Good morning Katherina and Lina! It is 7:30 am here on Sunday morning. I have not had my coffee yet, so I am not sure how good my English is going to be. I have to say Kathrina, that the English I have been reading on this weblog is really very impressive.

To answer some questions...I have been living in Hungary, specifically Budapest, since December 2001. I was supposed to leave the States to travel on September 22, 2001, but tragedy hit 11 days earlier. My friend and I were at my father's home in New Jersey, just 60 miles from NYC when it happened. Needless to say, all flights were cancelled and we could not leave when we planned to.

Before coming to Hungary, we traveled to England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, The Netherlands, and Germany. We had been to Hungary once before, about 6 years prior to returning. We loved the charm of the buildings and the culture and at that time thought it would be a great place to live. So, we gave it a chance 6 years later.

I have not been to Brazil, though I have been to South America twice. I have been to Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile (Chile two times). We tried crossing over to Brazil when we went to Iguazu Falls, but we could not. U.S. citizens need a Visa in addition to their passport. We were hoping that we could get a temporary visa just to cross the bridge, but we were told we could not, but many travel agencies on the Argentina side.

One of these days, we would love to visit Brazil. I have always heard wonderful things about the country.

I start school on Tuesday. I will be teaching university freshmen, sophmores, masters level students, and doctoral level students. This is my second year teaching at the university here, but I did teach for 12 years in California, before leaving.

I need coffee...........

More later,


Friday, September 05, 2003

Hi Ryan, my name is Lina. I think that it is so great that I may talk to someone who lives in Hungary! You know, we don't usually talk to people from there, I think that it is the first time. That is really nice! I would like to ask you something: How long have you been in Budapest? And why did you go there? Well, that's all for now...
See you later
Hello Ryan!
Well, first of all, my name is Katherina, I'm 15 years old and I live in Sao Paulo - Brazil. I study in a French School. Actually I'm in high school, here in Brazil schools are not divided, like, there's one place for everything (primary, secondary, etc...) I'm a freshman (I think it's like that in the U.S) it is like the first year at high school.

We began this weblog with our English teacher as we don't talk much English in Brazil, neither at our school: we have only 4 hours a week. That's why we can't write THAT well... Sorry! =S
I think that's all.. If you have more questions, just ask!
Bee Online

Greetings everyone,
I am a new voice to your Blog. My name is Dr. James, but you can call me Ryan. This is my first name. I have been invited to join your group, so I hope no one minds. If someone minds, raise your hand high, so I can see you.

You may find my 'accent' a bit different since I am originally from the U.S., but I live and work/play in Budapest, Hungary. I say that I work/play since I teach in a university. Although it is hard work, I love it so much that I would do it for free. Fortunately, they do want to pay me a little bit for doing what I do.

I will try to be an active participant on your blog if you allow me to, but how much of a participant will depend on my time. With that said, I will leave it to you to ask questions if you have any. Would anyone care to catch me up on what type of class you are taking, you year in school, and anything else you may think is interesting? I feel kind of 'out of it' not knowing much about all of you.


Thursday, September 04, 2003

I think that my teacher didn't need to say much about the blogger. Only the idea of having our own site is exciting! I don't know if it's like this in Spain, but here youth is very connected: "on the internet", everybody has ICQ or MSN Messenger, and people from all ages spend hours on that... (I am one of them). I think it has its advantages (we can talk to people all around the world and we can talk with our friends in real time) but the drawbacks are many (we stop doing important things, like studying, because we can't get disconnect from the internet, we become dependent on that (I swear it happens!!!) and we can't live without checking our e-mails and can't help entering just once a day the messenger/ICQ. Are the young people in Spain like that too? Do you enjoy the internet that much? Do you think it's good for a person to spend so many hours on that?
Thank you for answering us all.. =)
See you
So Felipe you are researching about complex words, well I know a site with all expressions in English, if you want to take a look only go here. Well bye
Well graham sorry but I don t know much about all these guys that you have talked about but here in Brazil we have some TV shows that helps people with great talent to get famous, is it like this 'Operación Triunfo'. However I don t know if you like, but I love slow rock like Coldplay, for me the best song is "politik", well I was a little bit influenced by my friend Felipe who like that band too. But you graham, Do you like any kind of rock? Do you know this band? Well answer me.
Ow, and I forgot...Felipe, what's jordy??I still didn't get it....
Hello everybody!
Well, It's been a long time that I haven't written in here...Well, first I would like to say that I also enjoy Capital Inicial, even if it's not my favourite band, but the lyrics of their songs are very pretty. But, I also like a song from another singer, Renato Russo, the name of the song is: Mais uma vez...Well, I have a question for you Graham, do you, in Spain, have Novelas? I don't know what the word is in english but I think that in spanish it's telenovelas....These are TV shows that pass everyday during about a year...It talks about people's daily routine, their relationships....Well, that's all then!
I see that Bee used the expression lol. It is something very complex, that means laugh out loud. I learned that after a very extensive research.
And Bee, u asked me what is the equivalent of jordy in English is Michael Jackson: At least that's what I think, because he is as funny as jordy.
Dur dur d'être un bébé...

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Thank you Kathu!
Well, I'm here because now I know how to change the skin of the blog, to be cooler...
So, , I'm going to explain it to everyone who wants to change the look.. It's easy and beautiful (you can see in my blog or in Lou's or Caroline T's).
First you go to Thakira's site then there you choose the template you want for your blog
and click on download. A download with a code will appear and you just have to copy it, modify some personal things, like your name, age, etc.. and you copy in the paste template, in main template.
If you want to see it before modifying all the blog, you click in Preview, and then Save changes.
However, you need to publish it after if you want everybody to see it..!
Enjoy! It's a really cool idea!
Now Graham
You DEFINITELY are the mustard in my salad, and a proper mustard indeed!!! lol. I hadn't heard the word for donkey's years! :-)
Hi Leonardo!

The most popular groups/singers in spain at the moment are those who were in the TV show 'Operación Triunfo'. Do you know this TV programme? Last year the show was won by 'Rosa', who went on to be Spain's representative for the Eurovision song Contest. This year, the winner was 'Beth'. Even though he didn't win, the most popular of these singers is David Bisbal. Have you heard anything by these artists?

Personally, it's not the kind of music I like best. I end up listening to a lot of flamenco at home because Isabel (my girlfriend) is a big fan (she also dances flamenco and plays percussion), although this type of music is not very popular in Barcelona.
Hi Katherina!
That's a very good idea. I think asking my students to look at this blog and your individual blogs too is a very good way of introducing them to the concept. Otherwise, they really will be gobsmacked (now there's an interesting word for you to look up). What about all of you? How did your teacher get you interested in the idea of blogging? What did she say that caught your interest? It's obvious that she did a good job!
Hey teacher!
I've found out what lurking means.. It is to exist unobserved.. It means you were seeing us but you weren't writing!!!
hmmm... =)...
And thanks for the link, it will help me a lot in English! But I stil prefer altavista translator!! =P
Hello Graham!
Yes, I like your idea... I think I'm gonna post comments in your weblogs if you pass me the address later... thanks a lot!
But, I really think you could talk to them about us, becaus if I post a comment in the blog and they have no idea from who I am
they will be a little bit astonished!..
See you later then...=)
Hello there!
Caroline was wondering where I was. Well...not very far away from you :-)
I was just lurking ... up to you to discover what this means.
A good address to find out is:

Maeva...if you type the and scroll down to Sunday August 31st, you will see that Graham commented on your post.

As I said in class, if you want to see the thread, what other people wrote and the answers given you must open the beeoline address...and if you want to read even further back you will have to click on archives.

now if you want to post...then you just click on the beeonline link next to your account in the blogger and you get the publishing screen.
Hi everybody!

Hey Graham ...inviting your students to come here to bee online when the schools starts would be a great idea. Well, this blogger is great but it could be better with more new people, because as Katherina and Caroline said here we can practice our English skills in a fun way. And I have seen that you guys are talking about music and want to know which the famous bands in Spain are. By the way Maeva, I am listening to you ok.

See u later guys bye.
I am speaking to you and nobody listens to me... =(
Hi Katherina!

I like your idea about communicating with my students, but will you have time? I tell you what, when I start, I'll tell you the address of the weblog, and you can read and post comments if you want. How does that sound to you? Thanks for the recommendation - I will try to get hold of some music by Nada Sei, etc. I have been listening to Tribalistas recently and I really like them. In London, parties don't usually last as long as in Brazil, although there are exceptions! Life in Britain is changing little by little. For example, in London and most big towns, you can usually find a shop open 24 hours a day, and the discos stay open later than when I lived there (8 years ago). In general though, most people go out earlier, and are nicely tucked up in bed at midnight, which is when the nightlife begins in Spain!
Hi Caroline!

In Spain, most schools start on the 15th September, although there are some that begin on the 1st. I won't have many classes until the beginning of October, however, because I teach at a university, and at an English academy and they usually start later. I think you are very lucky to have such a modern, innovative teacher. I'm sure that many other students are envious!

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Hi Graham...
It's Caroline! As Katherina said , I also think that your students will love your idea because it's the kind of "homework" that we learn a lot from : we talk to other people without having something boring to do , like rewriting exercises , etc . I think that it will be great to talk to your students as Katherina mentioned . We'll be able to learn about a different culture while they'll learn ours! So it's a change that we'll make! Why are the classes going to start only at the end of September ? My French friend has already started going to school! So I don't see the difference as Spain and France are two countries in Europe... I'm sure you'll be able to answer me this!
I was sure that you and our teacher first met by internet because , as everybody can see , our teacher is very modern and she does everything on her computer! I can't imagine how it would be if someone took her computer or if it was broken for one week! hehehe... She told us that she has a house not far from São Paulo but it is too far to come to school every morning to teach us! So she stays more here in São Paulo , where she has an apartment... And the second reason for this is that there in the country she doesn't have a computer , so she can't enter the internet! hahaha... That's why I said that she's very modern (I don't know if this is the right term to use , but I think that everybody understands me!).
I have noticed that our teacher disappeared! She doesn't write on the bee online anymore... Teacher , where are you?!
Well , that's all . I should go now!
Caroline t.
Hello Graham!
I have just read your last article, and I really think your students will love to use the weblogs...!
When our teacher first talked to us about them, I was very happy and I finally discovered a nice homework! =D...
I have a little idea here.. We could communicate with your students using a weblog just like we're doing here?!!?
And for bands, I recommend Kid Abelha and Capital Inicial too... The musics I prefer are Nada Sei - Kid Abelha and Natasha - Capital Inicial.
And you have mentioned that in Barcelona people eat late and go out 'till very late, here in Brazil it is the same thing, for example, when we go to a party or a disco, we stay 'till 5 a.m. Does it happen in London? If not, what time does it finish?
"See" you

Monday, September 01, 2003

Hello Caroline! Thanks a lot for the information about Tribalistas and other Brazilian music - you seem to be quite an expert! I will look into the groups and singers you mention. You asked how I met your teacher? Well, it all started on an English language teachers discussion forum (a little like a weblog, but not as fun!) - I had just started using weblogs with my students during a summer school and wanted to find out from other teachers who had done similar things. I soon discovered that the blogging you, your classmates and teacher are doing is quite a new thing for students learning English. So, not only is it fun, but what you are doing is groundbreaking and innovative! That sounds quite exciting, doesn't it? And after seeing your weblogs, I am definitely going to do the same with my students when I start classes at the end of September.
you can see a photo of the group tribalistas here
see you everybody!
caroline t.